Our Story

Welcome to Trinkets of Light! We believe that you didn't come to our little corner of the world by chance, but for a reason. So, we are excited you are here!

Our brand came about because two sisters had a dream. After a few phone calls, one craft store trip, multiple created earrings, tons of text, and lots of prayers later; Trinkets of Light was born. It wasn't a perfect launch, or long meditated, but we placed our faith in God. We truly trusted him one day at a time, and learned as we went along. Honestly, we didn't know at the start of Trinkets of Light were it would lead, but we showed up and watched what God could do with earrings and two willing hearts to point others to Him.

Here at Trinkets of Light, we are on a mission to create "trinkets" to remind you how incredibly special you are. A trinket holds little value to the world but carries high value to its beholder. We believe that your beholder is God, and He finds the beauty in you every day.

Each piece has been hand-crafted and designed with intention. It is our prayer that when wearing our pieces and you feel small, unnoticed, alone, insecure, weary, or anxious: that you are reminded that there is a God who sees you and loves you. He designed you on purpose for a purpose, to be a light in this world. 

Although we have grown since our first day, our purpose remains the same. We are passionate about serving, loving, and up lifting every women we encounter. We want to pray for you, cheer for you, and encourage you through all of lives ups and downs. Most importantly we want to create little "trinkets" to remind you that to God, your Heavenly Father, that you are; precious, loved, cherished, and known. You were created with purpose on purpose. 

Let His light shine in you!

Katie & Kristin