Our First Market Was a Success

Our First Market Was a Success

Creators Katie and Kristin at the Art and Coffee Factory

Trinkets of Light enjoyed our very first market on April 16, 2022. The forecast for the day originally called for rain, so we were ecstatic when it held off. The cold didn't keep people away from the fun event. The Art and Coffee Factory is truly one of the best spots in the Chesterfield, VA area. We are surrounded by some of the nicest vendors. We got the pleasure of being next to an 11-year-old junior vendor and the most awesome notebook creator. (Check out what we like to highlight on Instagram for more details)

There was such a remarkable turnout. So many friends and family members stopped by our tent to support us. We are so grateful for every single one of them. At the market, we sold over 90 pairs of earrings and met so many new faces. our favorite part about selling in person was getting to hear everyone's comments. Check them out⬇ 




Thank you everyone who stopped by our tent! We are now totally obsessed with selling in person and cannot wait to attend a local market again. 

Let His light shine in you! 

Katie and Kristin

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